- Invited talk:
Algorithms for Geometric Similarity
Pankaj Agarwal, Duke University
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- Visibility Monotonic Polygon Deflation
Prosenjit Bose, Vida Dujmovic, Nima Hoda and Pat Morin
[Download PDF] - Common Developments of Three Different Orthogonal Boxes
Toshihiro Shirakawa and Ryuhei Uehara
[Download PDF] - Unfolding Rectangle-Faced Orthostacks
Erin Chambers, Kyle Sykes and Cynthia Traub
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- A Data Structure Supporting Exclusion Persistence Range Search
Stuart Macgillivray and Bradford Nickerson
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- xy-Monotone Path Existence Queries in a Rectilinear Environment
Gregory Bint, Anil Maheshwari and Michiel Smid
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- Covering Points with Disjoint Unit Disks
Greg Aloupis, Robert Hearn, Hirokazu Iwasawa and Ryuhei Uehara
[Download PDF] - The Approximability and Integrality Gap of Interval Stabbing and Independence Problems
Shalev Ben-David, Elyot Grant, Will Ma and Malcolm Sharpe
[Download PDF] - The Within-Strip Discrete Unit Disk Cover Problem
Robert Fraser and Alejandro López-Ortiz
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- The Cover Contact Graph of Discs Touching a Line
Stephane Durocher, Saeed Mehrabi, Matthew Skala and Mohammad Abdul Wahid
[Download PDF] - On Piercing (Pseudo)Lines and Boxes
Subramanya Bharadwaj, Chintan Rao, Pradeesha Ashok and Sathish Govindarajan
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- Adaptive Techniques to find Optimal Planar Boxes
Jérémy Barbay, Pablo Pérez-Lantero and Gonzalo Navarro
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- A Fast Dimension-Sweep Algorithm for the Hypervolume Indicator in Four Dimensions
Andreia P. Guerreiro, Carlos M. Fonseca and Michael T. M. Emmerich
[Download PDF] - An Efficient Transformation for the Klee's Measure Problem in the Streaming Model
Gokarna Sharma, Costas Busch, Ramachandran Vaidyanathan, Suresh Rai and Jerry Trahan
[Download PDF] - Finding Shadows among Disks
Natasa Jovanovic, Jan Korst, Zharko Aleksovski, Wil Michiels, Johan Lukkien and Emile Aarts
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- Computing the Coverage of an Opaque Forest
Alexis Beingessner and Michiel Smid
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- Disk Constrained 1-Center Queries
Luis Felipe Barba Flores
[Download PDF] - Circle Separability Queries in Logarithmic Time
Luis Felipe Barba Flores, Stefan Langerman and Greg Aloupis
[Download PDF] - Flip Distance Between Two Triangulations of a Point Set is NP-complete
Anna Lubiw and Vinayak Pathak
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- Steiner Reducing Sets of Minimum Weight Triangulations
Cynthia Traub
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- On the Space Efficiency of the ``Ultimate Planar Convex Hull Algorithm"
Jan Vahrenhold
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- Divide-and-Conquer 3D Convex Hulls on the GPU
Jeffrey White and Kevin Wortman
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- Hardness Results for Computing Optimal Locally Gabriel Graphs
Abhijeet Khopkar and Sathish Govindarajan
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- Edge Guards for Polyhedra in 3-Space
Javier Cano, Csaba Toth and Jorge Urrutia
[Download PDF] - Hidden Mobile Guards in Simple Polygons
Sarah Cannon, Diane Souvaine and Andrew Winslow
[Download PDF] - The Complexity of Guarding Monotone Polygons
Erik Krohn and Bengt Nilsson
[Download PDF] - Kinematic Joint Recognition in CAD Constraint Systems
Audrey Lee-St.John
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- Computing Motorcycle Graphs Based on Kinetic Triangulations
Willi Mann, Martin Held and Stefan Huber
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- Variable Radii Poisson Disk Sampling
Scott Mitchell, Alexander Rand, Mohamed Ebeida and Chandrajit Bajaj
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- Invited talk:
Cannons at Sparrows
Günter Ziegler, Freie Universität Berlin
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- A Note on Interference in Random Networks
Luc Devroye and Pat Morin
[Download PDF] - On Farthest-Point Information in Networks
Prosenjit Bose, Jean-Lou De Carufel, Carsten Grimm, Anil Maheshwari and Michiel Smid
[Download PDF] - Tight Linear Lower Memory Bound for Local Routing in Planar Digraphs
Maia Fraser
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- Packing Trominoes is NP-Complete, #P-Complete and ASP-Complete
Takashi Horiyama, Takehiro Ito, Keita Nakatsuka, Akira Suzuki and Ryuhei Uehara
[Download PDF] - Tiling Polyhedra with Tetrahedra
Braxton Carrigan and Andras Bezdek
[Download PDF] - Point-Set Embedding in Three Dimensions
Steve Wismath and Henk Meijer
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- Approximating Majority Depth
Dan Chen and Pat Morin
[Download PDF] - Flexible Crystal Frameworks
Ciprian Borcea and Ileana Streinu
[Download PDF] - Characterizing Delaunay Graphs via Fixed Point Theorem
Tomomi Matsui and Yuichiro Miyamoto
[Download PDF] - Lower Bounds for the Number of Small Convex k-Holes
Oswin Aichholzer, Ruy Fabila-Monroy, Thomas Hackl, Clemens Huemer, Alexander Pilz and Birgit Vogtenhuber
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- What makes a Tree a Straight Skeleton?
Oswin Aichholzer, Howard Cheng, Satyan L. Devadoss, Thomas Hackl, Stefan Huber, Brian Li and Andrej Risteski
[Download PDF] - 3D Skeletonization as an Optimization Problem
Denis Khromov and Leonid Mestetskiy
[Download PDF] - Dynamic Computational Topology for Piecewise Linear Curves
Hugh Cassidy, Thomas Peters and Kirk Jordan
[Download PDF] - Finding a Lost Treasure in Convex Hull of Points From Known Distances
Bahman Kalantari
[Download PDF] - Optimal Average Case Strategy for Looking Around a Corner
Selim Tawfik, Alejandro López-Ortiz and Reza Dorrigiv
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- Invited talk:
Computational Geometry in Air Traffic Management
Joseph Mitchell, Stony Brook University
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- Competitive Routing on a Bounded-Degree Plane Spanner
Prosenjit Bose, Rolf Fagerberg, André Van Renssen and Sander Verdonschot
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- Optimal Bounds on Theta-Graphs: More is not Always Better
Prosenjit Bose, Jean-Lou De Carufel, Pat Morin, André Van Renssen and Sander Verdonschot
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- Near-Linear-Time Deterministic Plane Steiner Spanners and TSP Approximation for Well-Spaced Point Sets
Glencora Borradaile and David Eppstein
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- Basis Enumeration of Hyperplane Arrangements Up to Symmetries
Aaron Moss and David Bremner
[Download PDF] - On the Strengthening of Topological Signals in Persistent Homology through Vector Bundle Based Maps
Eric Hanson, Francis Motta, Chris Peterson and Lori Ziegelmeier
[Download PDF] - A Multicover Nerve for Geometric Inference
Donald Sheehy
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